(+34) 93 682 85 10 | info@sct-straw.com 


Halloween 2020 campaign

A strange event in our factory since 1985

Halloween is a term that comes from "All Hallows Eve," which is celebrated on October 31st. The ancient Celts believed that on that night, the souls of the dead returned to the world of the living.

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Tube extrusion

The necessary coordination of the different elements for optimal process quality.

For the extrusion of pipes (rigid or flexible), we will pass the material through a die with the same shape. Through the calipers and the refrigeration, we will obtain the diameter and thickness that we want.

The head has an external part that defines the diameter (the die) and an internal part (the core) that defines the thickness. This set of die and core is mainly responsible for the final quality of the product that we will obtain.

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Auxiliary elements in the extrusion process

Peripherals, before and after extrusion

The continuous search for higher quality products and the increased productivity of the process itself make these elements especially important. These elements can be divided into 3 large groups.


SCT-STRAW does its part.

We live in a very difficult situation; the health crisis and the subsequent economic recession are challenges that we must face in supporting ourselves and our society.

COVID-19, or coronavirus, has outperformed any predictions by providing a fundamental damage to all family, social, and state structures.


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Sant Andreu de la Barca

C/ Química, 16-30
Polígono Can Sunyer


Tel. (+34) 93 682 85 10


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