(+34) 93 682 85 10 | info@sct-straw.com 


Halloween 2020 campaign

A strange event in our factory since 1985

Halloween is a term that comes from "All Hallows Eve," which is celebrated on October 31st. The ancient Celts believed that on that night, the souls of the dead returned to the world of the living.

Throughout the year, we produce millions of candy sticks. Different lengths, thicknesses, colors, and grip systems. Everything our clients need to differentiate themselves from their competitors through product design and quality.

But as we get closer to October 31, something happens with the sticks we make. Our clients have told us that the sticks that are used for "trick or treat," or simply those that are consumed on those dates where it is especially important to see what happens at night, have the ability to glow in the dark. We do not know how it happens, but if you want, the candy sticks that you make can be used as a light source for Halloween.

In the month of May, most fluorescent sticks are produced, so if you want to be prepared for this Halloween 2020, call us and we will talk.

We would also like to take advantage of our new way of communicating through LinkedIn.


Photograph taken without light or flash showing the word Halloween made with fluorescent sticks


Sant Andreu de la Barca

C/ Química, 16-30
Polígono Can Sunyer


Tel. (+34) 93 682 85 10


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