Today's solutions for a sustainable future
For years our company which is dedicated to extrusion of plastics, has been developing, together with its customers, environmentally friendly products, such as bio-compostable or PLA. There is currently an increase in interest in this type of product. However, this interest has allowed us to see that there is still a certain confusion of concepts regarding this field. Let's look to clarify them.
- Bio-compostable materials for the food industry (PLA)
Bio-compostable plastic or PLA is a biodegradable plastic that is obtained from lactic acid. This material is manufactured from renewable and organic resources such as corn, wheat or beets. All these components have in common their high starch content. PLA has very similar characteristics to polypropylene, its composition being the basic difference.
PLA, being 100% bio-compostable, ecological and of plant origin, can be disposed of in the organic container. This product will end up becoming compost or "compost". Undoubtedly, a great advance for the packaging industry, since the use of these materials brings added value to STRAW and all its customers
- Differences between degradable, biodegradable, compostable and recyclable. Degradable products are those that can be broken down into smaller substances. Biodegradable products are those that can decompose under certain anaerobic or aerobic conditions.
- Compostable products are made through a man-made process called composting. According to EN13432 a polymer or packaging is considered "compostable" if, in an industrial composting plant, it converts at least 90% of microorganisms into CO2 within 6 months and contains additives up to a maximum of 1% of the initial mass. harmless (non-toxic and have no negative effects on plant growth) Recyclable products are those used materials or waste that are subjected to a process of transformation or use so that they can be used again.
If your company is interested in these products, we have the commercial department at your disposal to define the product that best suits your needs.